Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Don't leave your stuff alone

If you have a questions who's your best friend is? I will said my best friend is what I like it, love it till right now I stand for is a fashion, accompanies all day long, make me smile and confidence, overall make my day colorful..event though the situation sucks but fashion always be my best best friends :). just like this picture, the orange dress shirts make me inspire to use my White Dress shirt, and the ankle boot, owh the boot remind me to my Converse Shoes it's a long long time I didn't use my Converse shoes.

So I don't wanna miss my weekend to leave my stuff, let get out check out your wardrobe.. see yaaaaaaaaa ^-^

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Cold but I'm Still Cool

Look me at today, seen how cool I'm, event though I'm cold but then good enough for me to stay cool with this coat and covered by shawl :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

the other of lifes

He is a very nice kind man  thanks God you always meets me with such a kind man, event though he still in a complicated status, for this time in my point of view he still could be a cute adorable man.. for about one month you stand with me  yes sometimes you make me blue because of your curious emotion, or you make a situation become suck just because a little things.. oh man could you thing that I never give up to be patient stand beside you, the reason why is I find a love, I think you have that love.
Man I know we have different religion, again and again I always stuck in this situation, this is a third kind man I ever met with the same situation, and they offer me love, when I try to think a serious I try so hard to ignore the persons whom a different religion huuuuuuuuuffffffffff sigh..  it’s ok God just let flow, I still don’t understand if you meets me with the persons that I couldn’t ignore 
You are high temper, on the other hand you make me laughing if you made a joke  , your behave just like a child, that’s why you become spoiled, I understand babe because you need touch of love from women, you become ego when we are in argue, you always right in your side  it’s not good babe, but again I don’t understand me :D so what it is boy?? Oh GOD you make me confuse hhuuuhhhh sigh…. I started to astonished you because you are smart boy  , you are listened my poor problem with my parents, and you understand with my condition because I just a girl who just a work and study. I’m proud of you  .
I’m independent, strong like a stone, I’m wise, and I’m defeatism.. you are lucky to meet me but man listen is that happened as long as the situation in demarcation line, so I also need love too,……………………. Man.. I couldn’t lie to my self that you just touch my heart, the first time I met you I just like you then I try to figure out you, oh I don’t have words to ignore you, when the first time you..., I feel something different..., make me wanna..., I feel.... :D hehe..

Monday, November 23, 2009

And The Story Goes

Boring when we are alone, but it's not the end of life right? :) we have friends so when the times of bored and sucks comes together we will calling a friends whom would made our happy, that's the function of friends. Saturday after noon at about three o'clock I started to send message to my intent friends, the content of message is --> Hi Na.. I feel so boring lets hang out, go to club and making noise..and she's respond --> ok..I will call the others so we can making louder noise, don't worry my friend, just come to my place then we'll go together. ohhhh I'm so happy, not alone.

At seven o'clock Saturday night going to Anna's places, then we will not waiting for long to wait the others..when the others come, then we goes, on the way to the club, in the car we we not stopped making some jokes, laughing, talking, feel forgot that I have some problem and feel that I'm not boring anymore, thank you friends ;) . the car stopped at the parking lo, we met another friend in the club, they are already have a table and there is some soft drinks, peanut and some bottles of beers, but I feel uncomfortable with this club, so I said to the others I thing we should move to a club where we usually hang out, then they are agree.

My friend started the engine of cars and we move to favorite Club where usually we hang out, and then yeahhhhh happy we are arrived lets makes noise, lets gets rock this night haha lot of laugh. the club is not busy, may be because the time still 9Pm, the club will very crowded at 11Pm, time goes by, I'm so happy with this situations, Dancing, chatting with another people that I haven't known, a little alcohol and smoking area, I know smoking and alcohol is not healthy but is that a part of club :D waow!!! I felt free at the time.

I felt boring just stay at our table, then I ask to all of my friend that I wanna go to the dance floor, whose gonna go with me to dance??..Anna and Toto's accompanied me to the dance floor, yeaaahhhh the problem goes away, DJ playing a sexy musics, make me shakes my body, I don't wanna stop and I can't stop till all of my sucks problem gone. I stand a long at the dance floor at the time, I'm not tired I felt sooooooooo happy, one of Toto's friends came to the dance floor, we are dance together.

I can't stop and don't wanna stop, I kept dance, the dance floor getting crowded, another people seen each other, their showed their style dance yes event I, and oh My God I just wanna dance I don't wanna looking for some guy in this club, but unexpected there is a naughty eyes looking at me, he's cute and he's showed the way how he dance.. I can't lie that I don't like him..of course I like him, he's cute :)

We just dancing and we haven't asked each other, for about one hour may be, we just seen each other, we smile each other, not event he's asked me hello or hi what is your name hahaha...
I'm hoping that guy tried to asked me first :P but almost one hour he just smile then smile he's not really brave to asked me first, ok, I'm tired to dance I think I give up to hope he will asked me, he wouldn't asked me first, I give up, Anna and Toto's going on the our table, they asked me come on back to our table, I said, you go first I wanna here alone, I will go to the table after I finished my smoke :)

Near to dance floor there is a chair I could seats, tried to finished my smoke and enjoyed the situations, that guy who look at me gone away to he's friend without express what's going on with our eyes and our smile each other..while I'm finished my smoke, I have a little hope that he will ask me first, actually I could asked him first but may be our culture is in east that still influence our behavior, the girl from Indonesia won't asked first to the guy, the girls will expect that boys will asked girl first, is there negative reason if the women asked the man first. in Indonesia if women asked first to men about he's name, the men will suspect the women is a flirty. Some of men from Indonesia still embrace that behavior.

I finished my smoke, give up I don't wanna hope that men, for the last dance I get up from the chair and dancing again, and hey that men smile again to me, he's flirt me, but I don't care I just enjoyed the musics that DJ's played, but heyyyy...he smile and he asked first ooouuccchhhh...
He said..hi hello..Did you come here with your boy friend? I said..nope with my friends, their seats on their table..He said..ok I'm Denny what's your name?..my name is cherry,..oh God he asked me first finally :) I'm happy.

Then we talked each other, asking about job and about where we lived, he said that he's friends forced him to came to the club, because he and he's friends didn't come to the club for about 3 years, hohoooo... and actually he didn't want to goes to the club with he's friend because already bored with the crowded alcohol and smoke, and he just came to the club only for because of he's friends, we seems match, in context of hangout reasons, we goes to this place because of friend, because no reason for alcohol and drunk..that's we are :).

We been talk each other all night long, share story each other, until I'm forgot that I goes to this place with my friends Anna's, Toto and the others, I seen cell phone there is a messages from anna she tell that she will leave the club at 2.am, oohhhh I still enjoy the moment at the time, Denny's and all of he's friend more and more enjoyable, so then I had decided to goes home with denny, because the reason I wanna enjoy that night with fun. and finally I'm really got that moment, A moment that I met with someone else, and the suck situation becoming cheerful :) nice to meet you ;).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Jangan Bosan dan Lelah, terus Berusaha :)

Thanks to GOD ternyata dia selalu memberikan jalan menuju kesuksesan bagi orang-orang yang tak gentar berusaha, coba deh kalian rasain disaat kalian melihat suatu proses perjalanan karir atau gak jauh-jauh deh saat disaat kalian kuliah kalian merasakan saat kalian sedang ditingkat semester yang lebih tinggi, dan merasa lebih baik, wah itu adalah suatu karunia kepuasan yang membanggakan untuk diri kita sendiri, atau sukses berhenti dari hal-hal yang buruk, itu adalah sebagian dari pencapain menjadi lebih baik.

Adakalanya sih kita bosan, dan itu tidak bisa dipungkiri, lelah dan bosan adalah salah satu faktor penghambat jalan sukses, tapi jika dilihat dari sisi manusia, faktor itu memang manusiawi, setiap orang pasti pernah merasakan berada dititik yang teramat bosan dengan situasi dan keadaan, dan kadang kita manusia suka salah mengantisipasi keadaan,kita jadi malas, rasanya pengen banget lari dari keadaan yang sangat menyebalkan dan ngebosenin, ada baiknya kita handal dalam mengantisipasi rasa bosan, jangan pernah males satu tips nih buat orang-orang yang kesehariannya mengejar rupiah, Jika malas, bosan, jenuh mengelilingi kehidupan kita setiap hari, pergi aja hangout sama teman-teman yang lucu, atau pergi ke toko buku cari buku yang unik dan enak buat dibaca, kalau punya uang kita bisa pergi liburan cari tempat yang inspiratif.

Berusaha dan berdoa dong kawan, jangan pernah menganggap sesuatu yang menurut kalian tidak mungkin dicapai, semua keinginan pasti bisa dicapai jika kita mau usaha, banyak banget loh testimony tentang orang-orang yang punya cita-cita dan keinginan yang sepertinya susah diraih tapi finally mereka raih, itu hasil dari kita usaha dan ambisi yang kita tanamin dalam diri kita masing-masing.

Do your best teman, jika sesuatu sangat sulit untuk diraih tapi kita sudah setengah jalan melakukannya, itu tandanya kesuksesan yang kita inginkan sudah ada didepan mata, kita tinggal menjalani prosesnya saja, dengan ketekunan semua usaha pasti akan ada hasilnya.

Berdoa, percaya bahwa Tuhan gak tidur, dia selalu mendatangkan keberuntungan buat umatnya yang selalu berdoa dan berusaha, apalagi jika kalian minta didoain ibu...doa ibu cepet banget didenger Tuhan.
Bicara soal kesuksesan memang tidak ada habisnya, setiap orang pasti mau sukses, dan mau jadi yang nomor satu, so teman belajarlah dari orang-orang yang sudah sukses lebih dulu dari kita cayoooo deh buat semua teman-teman ku :)

Post By Linda Meilani

Monday, November 2, 2009


1.1 Background:

Surely everyone has memorable romantic love poems whether their make by themselves or their find away in some books or internet, Love Poems always hold a special place in our hearts, there is always an interesting in love poems, if we read poems the meaning of poems contains difficult words, unless we made the poems by our self, of course we could be understand what the meaning of, because poems often deviates from denotative meanings of words.
Analyze of denotative and connotative meaning of words in love poems is an interesting topic that there is many words and meaning you need to know that words do not have a single simple meanings, and traditionally grammarians have referred to the meaning of words in two parts Denotation is a literal meaning of the word, Connotation an association (emotional or otherwise) which the word evokes.

Poem especially Love Poems offers a wonderful words, make the reader interesting and want to know more than just a word, it would be different if we make the poems by our self because automatically we know the meaning of words that we made. In poems writing often deviate from denotative meaning of words to create fresher ideas images, such deviations from the literal meaning are called figures of speech or figurative language.
In this thesis, I will tell about some kind of Love Poems, that will make interesting for the reader to know, whether The poems comes from a famous Poets or not, The Love Poems are describing about couple feelings, most of average describe express exaggerated and so much more attempting to simulate something. In Poetic there are many kinds of figures of speech such as metaphor, similes, personification, hyperbole, paradox and pun, it’s important that you understand several kinds of.

Example of the analysis, Figuring out love poems simile, usually one of the elements of similes is concrete and the other abstract ‘my love is like a red, red rose” writes Robert burns, he’s talking about the roses beauty when it’s full bloom, it’s a simpler version of simile, but it’s more dangerous version, (a black rose ? A dead rose in December? The thorns of a rose?) Sometimes similes force us to consider how two things being compared are dissimilar, but the relationship between two similar things can break down easily, so figuring out a poem is must be carefully.
when I read some kind love poems, I interested in the way of sentences expressed of the statement of love, there are so many differences expression of the persons to expressed their implementation to the words of LOVE, there are no exact definition about the mysterious ‘L’ word, this is wonderful that there are many poets made some of LOVE POEM in they styles.
According to an article that I read recently; Romantic love turns down or shuts off activity in the reasoning part of the brain’s judgment and fear center are on leave. Love also shut down the centers necessary to sustain a theory of mind. Lovers in love stop differentiating themselves from their love one (Michael Craig Miller, MD-From his Newsweek article Sad Brain, Happy Brain).

This is my new experiences to make an analysis, and that topic is quite interesting, I can explore my skills and learn about figure of speech in writing a poems especially Love Poems. In this thesis I try to dedicate and show to you an interesting love poem to read and to understand the meaning, love poems is an experiment and sustaining it definitely requires perseverance.

1.2 Problem Identification:

In poems, reader will find a simile, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, understatement, and paradox, those are sometimes makes the reader confuse, and they do not understand what the connotation meaning is. So that’s why words are not limited to one single meaning, most of word in poems have multiple meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative, every words in poems will always be appear an emotion, and the good reader will known how to read such a good a poets.

The expression of language, however, comes from the other type of word meaning connotation or the association that a word usually brings to mind. The connotative meaning of “home” is a place of security, comfort, and family. When some people say, “there’s no place like home”, they’re not referring to its denotation, but the emotions “home” evokes for most people.

1.3 Limitation and formulating of problem: 2 paragraphs

Speaking of which, during my analysis denotative and connotative meaning of words in love poems those analysis poems are Love Poems for adult, as a result of all this. Love Poems is undoubtedly the supreme subject of the creative arts.

Age causes the people to question love poems, and to even doubt its truth, love is probably the most complex of all words to explain and to feel and the formulating problem in this analysis is 1. What difficulties will the reader found when they read love poems? What the function for the reader to understand the meaning of words when they read love poems?

1.4 Objective

To identify denotation and connotation meaning of words in love poems, well better to do read some of love poems, so that the problem can be revealed. Actually love poems is an easy understanding most of people known what contain of meaning in love poems, but the point is how interesting love poems to be analyze, the words of love always make people wants to know well, especially for a couple, when they are fall in love there is so much words implementation, they’re make that words into a beautiful sentences Love Poems.

To increase skill the reader when they try to read a Love Poems the reader will better known understand if they known the context of meaning in love poems, even if the poems seems like difficult to understand at least the reader know the meaning if they had learn about figure of speech.

1.5 Significant The benefit for the reader

The significant of Practical about denotation and connotation meaning of words in love poems are use them to further develop poems meaning, shows you how the precise language and keen observations of poems, and making them functional. Even if you aren't a poet, you'll be ready to makes poems.

Broadly, then, language poetry can be defined as the work of an associated network of writers who share in the main a number of questions about the relation between language and the politics of cultural production, although the directions in which they take these questions are often significantly different. When we seek to understand the connotative meaning of words we dig deeper into the original meaning (Denotative) of words and phrases.

Post By Linda Meilani

Monday, October 19, 2009

Oh menyebalkan

Weekend kemarin adalah weekend yang diprediksikan akan seru dan tidak membosankan sendirian dikost..Hari sabtu pagi bangun kira-kira jam 8 kurang 7 menit, langsung telephone Dannis temen fitnes, memang hari jum'at kemarin kita janjian ke Gym bareng, akhirnya sesuai dengan rencana setelah sarapan kita ke Fitnes bareng, agak-agak males fitnes pagi-pagi, tapi pas dijalanin ternyata seru juga, sambil dengerin R&B musik sambil goyang-goyang sendiri asyik deh pokonya berasa lagi clubbing hehehe...

Satu jam sudah berada di Gym dan kemudian kembali kekostn tercinta, tiba dikostn langsung telephone Nicko deh.."hello beby hari ini gak usah makan siang dikantor yah, cause aku masak banyak banget nih dikostn sengaja buat makan kita berdua," Nicko said..Ok aku gak makan nanti sepulang kerja aku langsung kesana..

UUuuhh cape nya pulang nge Gym tapi rada males buat langsung mandi..kepikiran beresin kamar secara detail terus bongkar-bongkar sepatu lama yg ternyata bnyk banget yg harus diatur diberesin, gak nyangka ternyata bukan baju aja yg numpuk dilemari, sepatu-sepatuku juga banyak yang gak keurus wah wah..dan ternyata gak sia sia tuk beresin sepatu lama, ada juga sepatu yg lama yang masih bagus masih bisa dipakai, ada juga sepatu yang mengingatkan keseseorang. dan akhirnya nyuci sepatu selesai juga,..

Sudah jam 12 siang waktunya mandi, aaahhhh segernyaaaaaaaaa nonton TV ah sambil nungguin Nicko kuw yg sebentar lagi dateng, mungkin dia dateng jam 2 lewat 30 menit, nonton TV nya sambil baca buku penulisnya Budiman Hakim yang sumpah lucu banget plus makan ruzak heeemm pedes pedes seger.

Tidak terasa walaupun menunggu itu menyebalkan karena ada buku dan ruzak akhirnya sudah jam 2.30 tapi kok Nicko blum dateng juga yah??..Telephone ah....lama banget gak nyambung, "Telephone yang anda panggil sedang berada diluar area"...owwhhhh apaan nih kok gak aktif?? sabar-sabar biasalah Handphone nya dia emang gitu, tunggu aja ah nanti jam 3 juga dia datang. Sudah jam 3 kok Nicko gak muncul juga yah, aku khawatir juga takut dia jatuh dijalan terus masuk rumah sakit, kepikiran juga Nicko mau coba-coba jadi playboy atau mungkin dia sengaja bohongin aku dia males datang.

Oowwwhhh menyebalkan Magrib sudah tiba, entah dimana Nicko berada persaan negatif tentang dia lebih banyak datang daripada perasaan positif,
Kenapa sih Nick kok tega km ninggalin aku tanpa pesan..

Hari minggu..coba telephone Nicko ga aktif juga..khawatir juga seh tapi kok perasaanku lebih banyak memikirkan hal kalo dia emang coba buat Bohongin aku, sebel, sebel, sebel.!!!!
kenapa sih Nick kamu harus begitu, sedih banget rasanya kalo emang Nicko bohongin aku, padahal kan kalo dilihat selama ini aku gak pernah coba buat bikin dia Bad Mood, aku selalu coba mengerti kalo posisi dia emang lagi sibuk, "tapi Nick kemaren itu kan weekend kamu juga harus nya bisa sedikit ngerti untuk punya waktu buat kita berdua"..

Hari Senin telah tiba, waktunya beraktifitas, pergi kekantor pulang kantor pergi kecampus, tapi hatiku gak tenang, mikirin Nicko yang Handphone nya gak aktif, sampe kantor aku coba tuk telephone Nicko, kalau memang aktif berarti memang dia bohongin aku, "lama nyambungnya...tersambung nada sambung.." owwhh sialan ternyata memang dia berbohong..Sengaja langsung aku matiin berharap dia minta maaf dan jelasin semuanya..sampe siang jam 12 siang ternyata dia telephone balik dasar looser, gak nyangka selama ini walaupun kadang dia nyebelin tapi menurutku dia orang yang gak mungkin bikin cewek nangis, pertama..dia sayang banget sama mama nya, kedua..dia juga sayang sama adik perempuannya..dan dia sering banget cerita tentang mereka berdua...tapi kok dia Setega itu gak kasih kabar ke aku selama 3 hari sampai akhirnya harus aku sendiri yang nyari tahu dia ada dimana.

Jam 12 hari Senin, coba tuk telephone Nicko, karna hatiku sangat tidak tenang, kerja juga gak tenang, banyak banget hal-hal negatif yg muncul diotakku,..
Handphonenya nyambung...oh my God diangkat,.dia langsung bilang.."halo aku mau kekantor kamu siang ini...jawabku ngapain??? Nicko said..ya mau ngajak km makan siang bareng..Saking sebel nya Jawabku "Gak usah, km kmana dua hari yang lalu, Handphone gak aktif, gak ngasih kabar,?? Nicko Said..iyah nanti aku jemput kamu kuliah aku jelasin semuanya kekamu aku gak mau ngomong lewat telephone..males juga sebenernya ngomong sama dia ditelephone, langsung ku jawab Ok, aku tunggu kamu dicampus.

Well..well..well..alesan apa yang akan kamu katakan nanti Nick?? sungguh sangat menyebalkan, Oh Tuhan..seharusnya aku tidak harus sangat berharap sama Nicko, seharusnya kebaikan yang sewajarnya saja yang ada buat Nicko, dia biasa saja, tapi karena dia biasa saja justru itu yang buat dia jadi special dimataku, banyak banget pertanyaan buat kamu Nick..

Dikampus jam 6.30Pm beep..beep..beep..Nicko memanggil handphone ku berbunyi, "Ya hallo..Nicko said..hallo pumpkin aku ketempat kamu nya jam 10an aja yah, coz aku ada tugas kuliah yang harus dikerjain bareng temen,..Jawabku-->kamu mau ngerjain tugas apa mau nemuin cewe km yg lain?..Nicko said..aduh sayang aku serius nih, aku gak main-main, pokonya gak ada hubungannya sama cewe lain, Jawabku--> iya sudah kalo km gak bisa datang jam 9 gak usah datang sekalian, aku gak mau km datang jam 10 lewat, aku cape mau tidur, dah byeeee..telephone aku tutup sepihak. Kenapa seh nick kamu tidak pernah mau ngerti, udah jarang ketemu, dan kalau ketemu pasti waktunya malam jam 10, malahan waktu itu pernah datang jam 11, emangnya gak cape apa, Terserah deh nick kamu mau datang syukur engga datang juga gak apa-apa, sudah cape aku berharap sama kamu.

Jam 10 malam aku belum bisa tidur, masih sebel sama tingkahnya Nicko tadi ditelephone, dan Memang ada bahan kuliah yang harus aku pelajari malam itu..jam 10.32 handphone ku berbunyi, panggilan dari nicko..."Jawabku--> Ya ada apa...Nicko said..kamu belum bobo sayang,..Jawabku--> belum,,Nicko said..aku dibawah nih didepan pintu rumah, bawa soto buat kamu, jawabku--> tunggu aku turun...telephone ditutup.
Nicko..hai sayang aku bawa soto nih buat kamu, ada sesuatu juga nih buat kamu, pada waktu itu aku gak peduli dia ngomong apa, boro-boro bisa senyum sama dia, melihat mukanya saja sebel minta ampun, dan akhirnya dia menceritakan kenapa weekend kemarin dia bertingkah seperti itu, dia bilang dia hanya ingin mengetest apakah aku akan kuat jika suatu saat nanti aku gak ada buat kamu, karena kita beda agama sayang, itu hal selalu aku pikirin, jadi kamu harus belajar kalo suatu saat nanti kita memang harus pisah kamu harus kuat sayang, dan ternyata kamu memang kuat.

Statement Nicko bagi ku udah basi, kalo mau coba mengetest sampai dimana ketabahanku bukan dengan cara kemarin, aku sudah pernah patah hati dan test seperti itu tidak mempan untuk aku, yang aku rasain kemarin adalah bagaimana benci nya aku terhadap laki-laki yang tidak bertanggung jawab, kamu mencerminkan itu kemarin. Iya aku sadar nick kita memang beda agama, di indonesia masih menganut kaum rasis, yang cina dengan yang cina, yang jawa dengan jawa, itu dilihat dari Ras, apalagi jika dilihat dari segi agama, orang tua kita dan agama kita masing-masing tidak mengajarkan untuk menikah dengan beda agama, tapi kenapa kita harus dipertemukan, dan hati kita sama-sama tidak bisa menolak keadaan kalau kita mempunyai perasaan yang sama...Kenapa ini harus terjadi, kepada siapa pertanyaan "kenapa" harus diajukan?, kepada diri kita sendiri, atau bertanya kepada Tuhan, siapa yang akan menjawabnya??.

20 October 2009 By Linda Meilani