Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bertuhan Tidak harus Beragama

History chat with Nandar pagi ini :)

nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 7:15:07 AM) : keprok heula ah atas status ymnya
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 7:15:10 AM) : mang ngerti?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 7:15:11 AM) :
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:07:20 AM) : ‎НAHAɑº°˚ ˚°º≈
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:07:25 AM) : Ngerti lah
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:08:12 AM) : Sedosa apapun manusia gak butuh agama..tapi butuhnya Tuhan
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:09:12 AM) : Jadi kamu ga usah beragama kalo gitu
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:14:44 AM) : Status ini buat orang2 fanatisme aja kok
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:14:58 AM) : Gue beragama
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:15:20 AM) : Tapi cara berfikir gue kan liberal
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:16:02 AM) : Cara berpikir liberal itu yang gimana kalo pengen tau
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:18:07 AM) : fanatisme itu harus
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:18:24 AM) : (¬˛¬!!)huuuhhhh
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:19:55 AM) : Andai cara berpikir seperti gue ini bs dipelajari orang gue yakin manusia bisa beragama dan (atau) bertuhan tanpa ngamuk2 ke agama/Tuhan lain
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:20:02 AM) : Begonoooo
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:24:07 AM) : Kalo ga ada fanatisme mana bisa beragama dengan baik
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:24:26 AM) : Kamu tau fanatisme dalam islam itu apa?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:26:05 AM) : gini loh, ajaran yang bilang semua agama adalah benar itu adalah salah
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:26:11 AM) : Bagaimana bisa semua benar?
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:26:24 AM) :
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:26:35 AM) : Kamu muslim kan?
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:26:45 AM) : Ya muslim
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:26:53 AM) : Kamu percaya isa adalah tuhan?
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:26:54 AM) : kenapa salah?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:27:35 AM) : Kamu percaya ada dewa2 di dunia seperti kepercayaan hindu?
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:27:49 AM) : Kita gak harus mengorek2 salah ato benarnya agama lain
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:28:17 AM) : Sekarang gini, kembali ke konteks pengajaran semua agama adalah benar
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:28:45 AM) : Kalo menurut kita semua agama adalah benar, berarti kamu membenarkan isa adalah anak tuhan/tuhan
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:29:01 AM) : Kamu membenarkan adanya dewa dan dewi seperti kata ajaran hibdu
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:29:28 AM) : Udah ah berat bgt ngomonginya
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:29:28 AM) : Dan itu sudah akidah..akidah ga bisa dikompromikan
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:29:41 AM) : Lah, salah sendiri bikin status yang memancing
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:29:55 AM) : Sekarang, kembali ke fanatisme
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:30:03 AM) : iya
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:30:06 AM) : Fanatisme itu perlu..dan harus
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:30:29 AM) : Itu menurut lo
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:30:37 AM) : Tapi tidak menurut gue..
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:30:40 AM) : kenapa harus? Jika tidak ada fanatisme, bagaimana kanu bisa mencintai tuhanmu?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:30:59 AM) : Kamu tau kenapa as bisa maju?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:31:06 AM) : Israel bisa maju?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:31:30 AM) : As negara protestan..dan mereka memiliki fanatisme tinggi thd agamanya
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:31:35 AM) : Begitupula israel
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:32:06 AM) : Itu pun buruk
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:32:39 AM) : gue gak menjudge islam itu fanatik ato kristen itu fanatik
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:32:40 AM) : Israel memiliki fanatisme thd ajaran yahudi
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:34:16 AM) : Kalo dibilang fanatisme itu jelek..itu salah
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:34:45 AM) : Gue ga masalahin islam fanatisme atau kristen fanatik ya
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:34:59 AM) : Tapi menurut gue, fanatisme dalam beragama itu harus
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:36:42 AM) : Dalam agama apapun, fanatisme itu harus
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:38:15 AM) : Gimana dunia gak perang mulu klo setiap agama selalu bertikai saling membenarkan..setiap ajarannya.. Jamannya sudah beda..klo mau damai ya kita tidak harus mengorek2 salah ato benarnya agama lain..itu sama aja kita menyinggung perasaan mereka toh..
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:38:43 AM) : Lah..kata siapa agama menyebabkan perang??
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:38:54 AM) : Jangan salah, motip ekonomi yang menyebabkan perang
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:40:41 AM) : Kalo ngomongin yg bener/ngga bener ngga ada abisnya..Yang satu merasa bener,
yang lainnya juga merasa bener.Yang baik adalah saling menghormati dan menghargai.
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:40:51 AM) : Lalu, kenapa harus ada kalimat jika kita tidak menyinggung mereka??
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:41:07 AM) : Apa kamu sadar, selama ini kita yang selalu disinggung
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:42:12 AM) : Apa kamu sendiri tau apa arti liberalisme?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:42:12 AM) :
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:47:21 AM) : Gue rasa bukan cm muslim aja yg selalu disinggung..Kristen pun merasakan hal yg sama..mereka bisa dibilang kita ini kaum minoritas..yg selalu dikucilin disalah2in..ya gue gak ngebela siapapun..Liberal menurut ku yg pasti cara berfikir ku mungkin. Beda sm orang muslim kebanyakan..aku bisa bilang semua itu agama itu Baik..mereka punya hati,dan rasa mereka juga Percaya Tuhan itu ada
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 8:47:33 AM) : That's it..
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:54:07 AM) : Lalu apa artinya liberal?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:54:39 AM) : Apa kamu tau artinya agama?
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:55:49 AM) : Kalo kamu tau arti agama, mungkin kamu ga akan bilang bertuhan tak harus beragama
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:55:50 AM) :
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:56:03 AM) : Semua agama baik, beda dengan semua agama benar
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 8:56:20 AM) : Apa gue bilang ada agama yang tidak baik??
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 9:10:14 AM) : Nanti deh kita bahas lagi ya..gue udah mulai si buk
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 9:11:29 AM) : Dalem bgt soalnya..ya intinya gue tidak membenarkan ato menyalahkan siapapun soal status gue tadi
aphrodite_line(04/04/2011 9:12:54 AM) : Lebih tepatnya aku tidak,..Membenarkan ato menyalahkan Agama apapun
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 9:19:35 AM) : Bagaimana bisa menyebutkan bertuhan tidak perlu beragama
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 9:21:01 AM) : Sedangkan istilah Tuhan itu adanya dalam agama
nandar trinanda(04/04/2011 9:21:53 AM) :

Jawabanku tuk Nandar Trinanda

aphrodite_linds: Bertuhan Tidak harus beragama..
Disetiap diri manusia tertanam sifat Tuhan, manusia dilahirkan punya hati dah rasa, begitupun juga dengan Tuhan, Tuhan mempunya mempunyai sifat penyayang terhadap umat2nya, sejatinya tanpa didoktrin sesuatu hal yg berhubungan dengan agama, manusia mampu hidup tanpa agama yang terinstitusionalisasi. Asal manusia itu terus melanjutkan pencarian spiritual demi untuk membenarkan keberadaannya sebagai manusia yang selalu mencari. Bertuhan tidak harus beragama..adalah suatu pemikiranku dan kebebasanku berpendapat, Aku setuju bgt sm kata2 ini “Agama adalah salah satu sarana dari bermacam sarana lainnya GUNA MENGENAL TUHAN dan menujuNya”
Klo mau dikait2kan sama Israel yg fanatisme dan Yahudi yg fanatisme ato Fanatisme itu penting!!..Go a head,..silahkan saja, hanya saja kita tidak harus menyinggung, ato menyalah2kan ajaran disetiap agama, klo ditanya “berarti lo percaya donk klo isa itu Tuhan?”..secara pribadi gue gak percaya..tapi gue tidak pernah menyalahkan ato membenarkan sesuatu itu..Toh manusia berproses dan manusia akan selalu mencari tahu benar ato tidaknya..sekali lagi yang baik adalah saling menghormati dan menghargai.

Regards..Lindsay :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dont cry because it's over, smile because it happened

The title of this writing is about yesterday feeling. it was crying feeling but don't know how interpret the tears cause everything which direct to the Prince is over.
So what Princess should do..nothing.. nothing can do, at least, please don't broke that heart again. still loving you prince but never expect to meet you, event a little feeling the time has already cut of everything in you.

The princess standing here alone, I realize you are not in my life.everything has gone, but then the feeling wouldn't changes till the princess old,,till everything changes this feeling ever lasting such a pyramid. forever will see the prince eyes just like before. warm, cozy and welcome for the prince.

this sad feeling make the princess fell wanna screaming aloud, princess order he will know my louder voice. until you feel what I'm feeling it's hurt!!! to know that you has been marriage with another woman.. it's hurt to realize that you are not choose me!!!..

so then many of choices in this world.. and it must be any sacrifice.. whether you which have to be sacrifice or people whose gonna being a victims.. life will never be fair..only the deep patient will lead us to the peaces :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Revise the title of my Thesis

1.1 Background

Surely everyone has memorable romantic love poems whether they make by themselves or they find away in some books or internet. Love Poems always hold a special place in hearts, there is always an interesting in love poems, when we read poems the meaning of poems contains difficult words. Unless the poem made by themselves, of course the poem could be understand what the meaning of, because poems often deviate from denotative meanings of words.

Analysis of denotative and connotative meaning of words in Pablo Neruda love poems is an interest topic that many words and meaning you need to know that words do not have a single simple meaning. And traditionally grammarians have referred to the meaning of words in two parts Denotation is a literal meaning of the word, Connotation an association (emotional or otherwise) which the word evokes.

Poem especially Love Poems offers a wonderful words, make the reader interesting and want to know more than just a word, it would be different if the poems made by themselves because automatically the reader know the meaning of words. In poems writing often deviate from denotative meaning of words to create fresher ideas images, such deviations from the literal meaning are called figures of speech or figurative language.

In this thesis, analyze about some kind of Love Poems by Pablo Neruda, that will make interesting for the reader to know, whether The poems come from a famous Poets or not, The Love Poems are describing about couple feelings, most of average describe express exaggerated and so much more attempting to simulate something. In Poetic there are many kinds of figures of speech such as metaphor, similes, personification, hyperbole, paradox and pun, it’s important that you understand several kinds.

Example of the analysis, Figuring out love poems of figure of speech simile, usually one of the elements of similes is concrete and the other abstract “I see myself forgotten like those old anchors" writer Pablo Neruda, he’s talking about the old anchors when it falling dawn deep in the sea, it’s a simpler version of simile, but it’s more dangerous version, (a black rose? A dead rose in December? The thorns of a rose?) Sometimes similes force us to consider how two things being compared are dissimilar, but the relationship between two similar things can break down easily, so figuring out a poem is must be carefully.

When the reader read some kind of love poems by Pablo Neruda, the reader interested in the way of sentences expressed of the statement of love, there are so many differences expression of the persons to expressed their feeling to the words of LOVE, there are no exact definition about the mysterious ‘L’ word, this is wonderful that there are many of poems interpret the definition about love feelings in LOVE POEM in Pablo Neruda poems.

Monday, February 15, 2010

IT's my Life, so everything must be Perfect

I am the fool one human that make my self falling down....come on Lindsay..this is not you..wake u made up and dress up..bcoz you are one of the fantastic female who have the talent..don't waste your time with that Guy..come on!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Work at Cruises







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merah yg menuju pasar baroe.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Late Post but not for my style

and the conclusion of the new year eve's is the night just like other night but my spirit to go running in this life more than the light firework, to be mature and wise to confront life's.
Welcoming 2010 I'm ready to accepted the thing :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Don't leave your stuff alone

If you have a questions who's your best friend is? I will said my best friend is what I like it, love it till right now I stand for is a fashion, accompanies all day long, make me smile and confidence, overall make my day colorful..event though the situation sucks but fashion always be my best best friends :). just like this picture, the orange dress shirts make me inspire to use my White Dress shirt, and the ankle boot, owh the boot remind me to my Converse Shoes it's a long long time I didn't use my Converse shoes.

So I don't wanna miss my weekend to leave my stuff, let get out check out your wardrobe.. see yaaaaaaaaa ^-^