Monday, November 2, 2009


1.1 Background:

Surely everyone has memorable romantic love poems whether their make by themselves or their find away in some books or internet, Love Poems always hold a special place in our hearts, there is always an interesting in love poems, if we read poems the meaning of poems contains difficult words, unless we made the poems by our self, of course we could be understand what the meaning of, because poems often deviates from denotative meanings of words.
Analyze of denotative and connotative meaning of words in love poems is an interesting topic that there is many words and meaning you need to know that words do not have a single simple meanings, and traditionally grammarians have referred to the meaning of words in two parts Denotation is a literal meaning of the word, Connotation an association (emotional or otherwise) which the word evokes.

Poem especially Love Poems offers a wonderful words, make the reader interesting and want to know more than just a word, it would be different if we make the poems by our self because automatically we know the meaning of words that we made. In poems writing often deviate from denotative meaning of words to create fresher ideas images, such deviations from the literal meaning are called figures of speech or figurative language.
In this thesis, I will tell about some kind of Love Poems, that will make interesting for the reader to know, whether The poems comes from a famous Poets or not, The Love Poems are describing about couple feelings, most of average describe express exaggerated and so much more attempting to simulate something. In Poetic there are many kinds of figures of speech such as metaphor, similes, personification, hyperbole, paradox and pun, it’s important that you understand several kinds of.

Example of the analysis, Figuring out love poems simile, usually one of the elements of similes is concrete and the other abstract ‘my love is like a red, red rose” writes Robert burns, he’s talking about the roses beauty when it’s full bloom, it’s a simpler version of simile, but it’s more dangerous version, (a black rose ? A dead rose in December? The thorns of a rose?) Sometimes similes force us to consider how two things being compared are dissimilar, but the relationship between two similar things can break down easily, so figuring out a poem is must be carefully.
when I read some kind love poems, I interested in the way of sentences expressed of the statement of love, there are so many differences expression of the persons to expressed their implementation to the words of LOVE, there are no exact definition about the mysterious ‘L’ word, this is wonderful that there are many poets made some of LOVE POEM in they styles.
According to an article that I read recently; Romantic love turns down or shuts off activity in the reasoning part of the brain’s judgment and fear center are on leave. Love also shut down the centers necessary to sustain a theory of mind. Lovers in love stop differentiating themselves from their love one (Michael Craig Miller, MD-From his Newsweek article Sad Brain, Happy Brain).

This is my new experiences to make an analysis, and that topic is quite interesting, I can explore my skills and learn about figure of speech in writing a poems especially Love Poems. In this thesis I try to dedicate and show to you an interesting love poem to read and to understand the meaning, love poems is an experiment and sustaining it definitely requires perseverance.

1.2 Problem Identification:

In poems, reader will find a simile, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, understatement, and paradox, those are sometimes makes the reader confuse, and they do not understand what the connotation meaning is. So that’s why words are not limited to one single meaning, most of word in poems have multiple meanings, which are categorized as either denotative or connotative, every words in poems will always be appear an emotion, and the good reader will known how to read such a good a poets.

The expression of language, however, comes from the other type of word meaning connotation or the association that a word usually brings to mind. The connotative meaning of “home” is a place of security, comfort, and family. When some people say, “there’s no place like home”, they’re not referring to its denotation, but the emotions “home” evokes for most people.

1.3 Limitation and formulating of problem: 2 paragraphs

Speaking of which, during my analysis denotative and connotative meaning of words in love poems those analysis poems are Love Poems for adult, as a result of all this. Love Poems is undoubtedly the supreme subject of the creative arts.

Age causes the people to question love poems, and to even doubt its truth, love is probably the most complex of all words to explain and to feel and the formulating problem in this analysis is 1. What difficulties will the reader found when they read love poems? What the function for the reader to understand the meaning of words when they read love poems?

1.4 Objective

To identify denotation and connotation meaning of words in love poems, well better to do read some of love poems, so that the problem can be revealed. Actually love poems is an easy understanding most of people known what contain of meaning in love poems, but the point is how interesting love poems to be analyze, the words of love always make people wants to know well, especially for a couple, when they are fall in love there is so much words implementation, they’re make that words into a beautiful sentences Love Poems.

To increase skill the reader when they try to read a Love Poems the reader will better known understand if they known the context of meaning in love poems, even if the poems seems like difficult to understand at least the reader know the meaning if they had learn about figure of speech.

1.5 Significant The benefit for the reader

The significant of Practical about denotation and connotation meaning of words in love poems are use them to further develop poems meaning, shows you how the precise language and keen observations of poems, and making them functional. Even if you aren't a poet, you'll be ready to makes poems.

Broadly, then, language poetry can be defined as the work of an associated network of writers who share in the main a number of questions about the relation between language and the politics of cultural production, although the directions in which they take these questions are often significantly different. When we seek to understand the connotative meaning of words we dig deeper into the original meaning (Denotative) of words and phrases.

Post By Linda Meilani

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